

Dynamic Energy Management at Kennedy Space Center, using a near real-time, secure web-based interface. more…

NASA KSC / Dynamac

Unique environmental data management model consolidates disparate scientific analyses and measurements to drive groundbreaking decision support system. more…

FDEP Division of Air Resource Mgt.
Knowledge-based e-gov system automates emission inventory submissions for over 1,000 regulated facilities statewide. more…

FDEP Division of Water Resource Mgt.
Statewide e-Permitting application reduces labor and streamlines permit processing. more…

St. Johns River Water Management District
Matrix Environmental Integrated Model helps Adaptive Management project improve quality of water management practices. more…

Florida Power and Light
e-Learning system saves money and reduces risk. more…

PGA Tour
Matrix helps the PGA stay in the swing with training, support, and programming services. more…

Orange County FRD
Orange County medics saved by ‘super human’ software. more…